

Specific solutions and expert support for your Façade projects

At Hilti we work with a wide range of trades all over the world helping our customers to build more safely, quicker and with more daring. We recognize how different is your industry and offer dedicated solutions specific to your business area.

Whether you are working on a project with a window wall or curtain wall façade, designing the edge of slab condition is complex. Having a strong understanding of the requirements of these applications can help eliminate issues later in design, construction or post construction phases.

Curtain Wall façade

Curtain Wall Façade

Our curtain wall solutions bring you major benefits, including optimized design, correct installation, expert support across the world, certified solutions and significant cost and time reductions.

RT 6-A22 Ventilated Façade

Ventilated Façade

Optimise your design, speed-up your installation

From design through to construction, find out how our team can support you with your next ventilated façade project.

hilti profis anchor

HIT-HY 150 MAX injectable adhesive mortar, ED 3500-A cordless dispenser, HIT-V Threaded anchor rod

Design for anchor fasteners – fixing base plates and handrails. Hilti software technology allows designers and specifiers to quickly, easily evaluate Hilti anchor products and systems—and then choose the best solution for any conditions.

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Hilti Profis Anchor Channel



Design and model facades fixations quickly and accurately. Through a simple, user-friendly interface, you can design anchor fastenings for seismic applications, fatigue loading or dynamic loading in concrete according to the most current building codes and regulations.

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firestop engineering judgements

Expert solutions for unique firestop applications.

Firestop applications are never cookie-cutter and rarely simple. When a job-site firestop application deviates from our wide variety of tested firestop systems, trained and degreed Hilti fire protection engineers are ready to provide a customized engineering design to meet your needs.

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